Dear Jenny,
I was so glad to receive your letter, many, many thanks! You're such a sweet friend. I will be writing you back on this blog and I think you can open this blog just simple now. First I installed it as a blog 'just to read for you', but yes, you aways have to log in and maybe that's not too handy. So I opened the gate, grins! And as long as nobody else knows about this blog, it's okay, isn't it?
I will make a start with my letter but I fear it must come in fragments. I do have (as we call it here) a tennis arm and I don't know how long I can type like this. We'll see. It will come in bits and pieces, I guess.
First of all: how sad to read about Scott's mom and the leukemia she's suffering of. I think of her in my prayers. It seems you are constantly 'moving and caring' for your beloved families for a long time now. I wish you all the strength you need in this.
On the other side: congratulations on all the anniversaries in your family! My, Emily is 18 years old now, just like our twins. From time tot time I see the girls wearing the lovely bracelets Emily made them. She's a very talented girl for sure. Does she already knows what to do after her exams? And are you having your holidays, just like us here?
We are enjoying our holidays just now. One week behind us, 2 more to go. We're having the most beautiful weather here (finally...). We just came back from a biking tour (André, Fleur, Valérie and I). We didn't see the Volendammer ladies working like this (and certainly not on Sunday!), but it's the same time of year. The hay is laying on the field, waiting to get in tomorrow. The surroundings here are great. I knew I would love it anyway, but seeing it like this, on bike in summer, makes it so lovely! It reminds me a lot of my childhood. My grandparents lived in Wageningen, not so far from here. The landscape is almost the same (the river Rhine as mean feature). I love it.
I'm glad we live here now. We don't regret ONE bit our move to Zevenaar. We're doing okay, really okay. Even the girls have settled down here nicely and enjoy it. I can't tell you how glad I am that they do like it here now.
I do feel I have to stop for now, thanks to that arm of mine. It is very frustrating not being able to lift things, make any stitches (VERY frustrating, Grumpy!!!) and help out as much as you can. Imagine: we're in the middle of a kitchen renovation. Dust is everywhere. Really everywhere. Little Jenny is sneezing from time to time and I already promised her a bath the coming week. (She sends you her love, by the way.) Mess in the house. Plenty of things to do, of course. Ahhh! I'll show you more in a next post, must take my time for that. Anyway, I guess I'm doomed to read a little now and have some more 'holiday'. Sigh. But no, we're having a good time too. We take our time but this little Busy Lizzie Always wants more.
Tonight the neighbours have invited us over for a barbecue in their garden. We really do live in such a nice and friendly neighbourhood. Our neighbours are so sweet. Tell you more about that. I really have to stop or André will get mad at me.
Big waves from over the ocean. Lots of Dutch hugs and again many, many thanks for your friendship, that means so much to me!
With love and greetings,
Woot here I am! LOL You just have to love all that remodel dust! I am glad you are having a holiday and you are all enjoying your new home! It sounds just lovely! Enjoy your BBQ tonight. I can totally relate to your tennis arm. I hurt my arm a few months ago and I was really upset because I could not even do the simplest things....and since I stay really busy that was really annoying. I could not even use the computer :( I love the beagle puppy.....he reminds me of Molly with his "look"... she always look likes that when she gets into mischief...LOL.. Here is a hug and a wave my friend.